Understanding Different Types of Low Back Pain and Their Management

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  • 19-05-2023

Understanding Different Types of Low Back Pain and Their Management

1. Mechanical Low Back Pain:
Mechanical low back pain is the most prevalent form of Muscle strains, ligament sprains, and spinal disc abnormalities are common causes. Poor posture, inappropriate lifting techniques, or unexpected movements are common causes.

The management of mechanical low back pain involves rest, physical therapy, gentle exercises, and the use of over-the-counter pain medications. To avoid reoccurring episodes of mechanical low back pain, The Samanvay Hospital underlines the value of leading a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, ergonomically sound work practises, and weight control.

2. Herniated Disc:
A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner portion of a spinal disc pushes through its outer covering, irritating nearby nerves and causing pain. This condition often leads to radiating leg pain, commonly known as sciatica. The management of herniated discs may involve a combination of conservative treatments such as physical therapy, pain medications, and epidural steroid injections.

In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to remove or repair the affected disc. Samanvay Hospital employs a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating non-invasive treatments and surgical expertise, if required, to effectively address herniated disc-related low back pain.

3. Degenerative Disc Disease:
Degenerative disc disease refers to the gradual deterioration of the spinal discs due toageing, wear and tear, or injury. It often causes chronic low back pain and stiffness. Management strategies for degenerative disc disease focus on pain relief, improving mobility, and enhancing the quality of life. Treatment options may include physical therapy, medication, spinal injections, and in some cases, surgery. At Samanvay Hospital, specialists evaluate each patient's specific condition and tailor a comprehensive management plan, which may involve a combination of conservative therapies and advanced surgical procedures.

4. Spinal Stenosis:
A narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves is known as spinal stenosis. This can result in low back pain, leg pain, and weakness. Management of spinal stenosis may involve pain medications, physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and lifestyle modifications. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended to relieve pressure on the affected nerves.Samanvay Hospital offers state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging and a range of treatment options, including minimally invasive procedures, to effectively manage spinal stenosis and alleviate associated symptoms.

Low back pain can arise from various causes, and its management depends on the specific type and severity of the condition. Samanvay Hospital in Vadodara, adopts a patient-centric approach, combining conservative treatments and advanced interventions to address different types of low back pain effectively. It is important to seek professional medical advice for accurate diagnosis and personalized management strategies tailored to individual needs.

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