What to Do in a Dental Emergency

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  • 28-06-2023

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

We discuss the best way to handle a dental emergency in the blog. Whether it's a toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or a broken filling, understanding the right course of action can help you manage the situation effectively. At Samanvay Hospital, We focus on your dental health and assist you in dealing with dental emergencies.

1. Identify the Dental Emergency
The first step in dealing with a dental emergency is recognising it. Severe toothaches, knocked-out teeth, fractured or shattered teeth, loose dental fillings, abscesses, and soft tissue injuries are common. You can take the necessary action to treat the problem before seeking expert dental care if you are aware of the emergency's nature.

2. Remain Calm and Assess the Situation
Even though a dental emergency might be upsetting, it's crucial to maintain your composure. Determine the degree of damage by assessing the scenario. If there is bleeding, swelling, or severe pain, it is advisable to seek immediate dental care. In case of a knocked-out tooth, quick action within the first hour can increase the chances of successful re-implantation.

3. Manage Pain and Swelling
While waiting for professional dental assistance, you can alleviate pain and swelling using home remedies. Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater to minimise irritation. Applying a cold compress to the affected area can also help reduce pain and swelling. Avoid taking aspirin or placing pain-relieving medication directly on the tooth or gum, as it can damage
the tissues.

4. Save a Knocked-out Tooth
If a tooth gets knocked out, handle it carefully by holding the crown and avoid touching its root. Rinse the tooth gently with milk or saline solution to remove debris, but do not scrub it or use soap. If at all possible, try to re-insert the tooth into its socket. If that's not feasible, place the tooth in a milk container or keep it in your mouth, between your cheek and gums, to keep it moist. Seek immediate dental attention for the best chance of saving the tooth.

5. Contact Samanvay Hospital
Once you have assessed the situation and managed any immediate pain or swelling, contact Samanvay Hospital for professional dental care. Our skilled dentists are experienced in handling dental emergencies and will provide the appropriate treatment to alleviate your pain and prevent further damage. Inform the hospital staff about your condition, and they will guide you to take the necessary steps before your arrival.

Identifying the emergency, relieving pain and swelling, and seeking expert dental care as soon as possible are all steps in attaining the best possible result.

Remember to stay calm, follow the recommended home remedies, and contact Samanvay Hospital for expert assistance. Our dedicated team is here to help you when you need it most, ensuring your dental health and well-being.

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