An ordinary health problem, piles have another name, hemorrhoids. Piles are usually swollen veins that occur around the rectum or the anus. Piles are painful and uncomfortable but can be relieved with proper care.
What are Piles?
Piles are found when the veins near the anus or lower rectum swell. The condition may trigger bleeding, itching, and pain. Piles can be divided into two forms; they are internal piles and external piles. Internal piles grow within the rectum whereas the external piles grow under the skin surrounding the anus.
Causes of Piles
The main cause of piles is increased pressure on the veins of the rectum. This may be brought about by constipation, obesity, or even sitting for a long time. Pregnancy can also bring about this condition since the weight causes added pressure to the rectum. Additionally, heavy lifting or straining while in the act of passing bowels may contribute to piles.
Sometimes, the history of piles in the family could be a risk factor in developing the condition. Another risk factor is that in adults, an older age increases the risk of suffering from piles.
Symptoms of Piles
Symptoms may vary depending on the type of piles. Internal piles can be painless and may only cause rectal bleeding. You may notice blood in toilet paper or your stool. External piles are usually painful and irritate with swelling around the anus. Sometimes, blood clots form in external piles and cause severe pain.
However, many patients with piles suffer from mild symptoms. Symptoms should be consulted for medical advice if they continue to worsen.
Diagnosis of Piles
The diagnosis of piles can be made by a doctor who may need to carry out a physical examination. Moreover, a digital rectal examination might also be required in some cases. When the piles are internal, the doctor can make use of an instrument called an anoscope to be able to see the problem inside the rectum.
In case you suspect you have piles, it is wise to visit a general surgery hospital in Vadodara for a proper diagnosis.
Treatment Options for Piles
There are a variety of treatments that exist for piles. This all depends on the degree to which the condition exists.
1. Lifestyle Changes
Early intervention through lifestyle modification may relieve symptoms. An essential requirement is a diet rich in fibre, as it avoids constipation and puts less pressure on the bowels at the time of evacuation. Good hydration and exercise will keep the digestive system running normally.
2. Medications
Temporary relief can be achieved using over-the-counter creams and ointments. Such treatments will alleviate swelling, itching, and pain. Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe more powerful medications for the treatment of this condition.
3. Minimally Invasive Procedures
If lifestyle and medication are still ineffective, more minimally invasive treatments would be advised for the case. One very common type of internal pile treatment procedure is rubber band ligation. Furthermore, this procedure involves placing a rubber band around the base of the pile such that its blood supply can be cut. The shrinkage and, consequently the fall-off occurs within a few days.
4. Surgical Treatment
For serious piles, surgery is necessary. The surgical removal of piles is termed hemorrhoidectomy. This surgery usually takes place under anaesthetics and is reserved for large or complicated piles. Though the recovery process can take time, surgery offers a permanent cure.
Modern Treatments for Piles
The present treatments made the handling and management of piles easier. Laser surgery, for example, is much less invasive compared to open surgery. Since the large cuts in an open surgery are avoided in laser surgery, patients will recover fast. With precision in laser surgeries, there are fewer risks of complications.
Another option is stapled hemorrhoidopexy. Therefore, this method applies a stapling device that removes piles. This process is relatively faster and causes less pain than conventional surgical procedures. For these reasons, the treatment has emerged as an increasingly popular way to handle large internal piles.
Prevention of Piles
Prevention is the best way to deal with piles. A diet rich in fibre helps prevent constipation. Regular exercise and drinking plenty of water also decrease your risk. However, avoiding sitting for long periods and straining during bowel movements also helps.
An internal medicine specialist Baroda may be consulted if the case of constipation becomes too frequent. They would help in managing your digestive health and preventing piles from forming.
When to Seek Medical Help?
Most piles can be treated with simple home remedies or over-the-counter medications. However, if your symptoms do not change for the better or worsen, then it is crucial to consult a professional. Additionally, if you find a lot of bleeding or too much pain, then seek medical help right away.
The doctor from the general surgery hospital in Vadodara will let you know your treatment options. Your doctor will give you a recommendation based on your condition.
Piles are a frequent but controllable condition. Early intervention and lifestyle alterations can help minimize symptoms; if required, medical treatments or procedures can offer long-lasting relief. Knowledge of the aetiology, symptoms and Piles treatment in Vadodara will place you in a better decision-making position regarding your healthcare. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek professional medical attention if you experience any piles-related symptoms.
Specialized medical care can be accessed either by visiting a General surgery hospital Vadodara or consulting an internal medicine specialist in Baroda. Proper treatment will surely do the trick in controlling the piles.